Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Wang family courtyard--Guo Sun

These pictures were taken in the Wang family courtyard in Shanxi Province, China. Wang family courtyard is one of the best-protected and biggest historical architectural complex. Wang family courtyard is build by the shanxi merchant family--Wang, and it took over one hundred years to expand to the final size. It has 150 thousand square meters and 1118 rooms in total. The wang family settled down in Jincheng, Shanxi province about six hundred years ago. As the expansion in business gradually, wang family started to build their family house that we can see today since Qing dynasty. Wang family house is the symbol style of the Qing dynasty house. 
Wang family started their business empire from the international trade with the western countries through the famous silk road. They traded silk, tea, chinaware, and some other things kiakhta, Russia, where is the connection between the west and east.

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