Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Dachau - Arin Little

When I was in high school I traveled with my father on a business trip to Munich in Germany. In school we were studying the tragedies of the holocaust, so in order to get my week long absence excused I had to visit one of the concentration camps, and write a paper over it. Dachau Concentration Camp is located about 10 miles outside of Munich, so it was the logical choice as the topic for this paper. From the moment I was in the vicinity of this location, my heart was filled with a deep sadness. The horrors that went on there are still incomprehensible to me. The thing that stood out the most to me about this camp was that it was literally in people's backyards there was nothing separating families from the atrocities going on here except for a stone wall.  Looking back on this experience, I am still filled with incredible sadness for the utter disregard of human life. These tragedies must never be repeated as the memorial that stands there today states "Never Again".

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